Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Virtual John Trudell

John Trudell
I love to see what JT is gonna write
In the middle of the night
And if I'm hanging at that party when the master's words flow
Then I'm the first to know
Amazing time when we can watch through virtual windows
Of anyone's once private minds f
rom outer space
And catch the vision as the seeds sprout fast in time lapse
Without earning that feather and place beside a teacher
Great as him. Amazing tool to spread the inner truth
We used to grow organically in trusted circles, press into vinyl,
Chisel in stone, always ahead of slow technology in days when
In the flesh was warm reality where we lived and even black light
Was more natural than this unearthly sterile glow we breathe our souls into
Like a matrix, a play world where even the most privileged intimacy
Counts for nothing
-Colleen Lloyd
Just now
March 6, 2013 2:27 am
My brother's birthday

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